Matching IPv6 addresses with Regexp::Common

I wish Regexp::Common had a $RE{net}{IPv6} regular expression, but it doesn't (yet).

So I tried to implement this myself, but ripped off the IPv6 matching bit from the existing Regexp::IPv6 which happens to have a working IPv6 regular expression with a reasonable test suite. Now, why Regexp::IPv6 is not part of Regexp::Common?

By the way, I'll copy/paste the full regular expression to match IPv6 addresses, just for fun:


Of course, I will never be able to tell if it's right or wrong, but the fact is that it passes the test suite :)
However, the actual code is not like that: it generates the full regular expression from a few components. Anyway, I've pushed a ipv6 branch on my fork of Regexp::Common. I hope it will be included soon in Regexp::Common or improved it enough to be included in it, so we can finally match IPv6 addresses with:

use Regexp::Common;

my $addr = '2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:1428:57ab';
if ($addr =~ $RE{net}{IPv6}) {
    print "Yes, it is an IPv6 address";
else {
    print "No, it isn't";

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