More varnish, now also on

I have been working on setting up and troubleshooting Varnish installations quite a bit lately. After deploying Varnish on My Opera for many different uses, namely APIs, avatars, user pictures and the frontpage, we also decided to try using Varnish on

While "www" might seem much simpler than My Opera, it has its own challenges.
It doesn't have logged in users, or user-generated content, but, as with My Opera, a single URL is used to generate many (slightly) different versions of the content. Think about older versions of Opera, or maybe newest (betas, 10.50), mobile browsers, Opera Mini, site in "Mobile view", different languages, etc…

That makes caching with Varnish tricky, because you have to consider all of these variables, and instruct Varnish to cache each of these variations separately. No doubt in this respect is even more difficult than My Opera.

So, we decided to:

  • cache only the most trafficked pages (for now only the Opera startup page)
  • cache them only for Opera 10.x browsers
  • differentiate caching by specific version (the "x" in 10.x)

We basically used the same Varnish config as My Opera, with the accept-language hack, changing only the URL-specific logic. With this setup, we managed to cut down around 15% of backend requests on

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