Tag Archives: userjs

Another Ubiquity for Opera update, DuckDuckGo search

My small Ubiquity for Opera experiment gets another quick update.

This time I added one of my favorite search engines, DuckDuckGo. Despite being a young project, I think it's really interesting, and its results are highly relevant and up-to-date. I like it! Plus, it's a Perl project.

So that's it, I just added the duckduckgo command.

This new version also fixes an annoying problem with a couple of Google-related search commands, that were showing just 1 result, instead of the default 20 search results. There's so much more that could be improved, but I rarely find the time to work on it…

As always, the updated code is available on the Ubiquity for Opera project page, where you will also find the minified version (~40 kb instead of ~70).


Running Ubiquity on Google Chrome

It's been a while since I started working on Ubiquity for Opera. It's my limited, but for me totally awesome, port of Mozilla's Ubiquity project, originally only for Firefox, to the Opera browser.

I had several people ask me through my blog or email to write a version for Google Chrome. And, by popular demand, here it is! To my surprise, it took much less than I had originally thought. I had a few small problems though, from the event handlers, different from Opera UserJS model, to style attributes for dynamically created elements, and other minor things as well.

It's still lacking Ajax/xmlHttpRequest support, but that shouldn't be a huge problem.

I uploaded it to userscripts.org too. You can see it here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/85550.

The code, as usual, is up on Github


If you try it, I would be interested to know what you think. Have fun!

Ubiquity for Opera gets a “bing” command

Another micro update to Ubiquity for Opera. This time I added the Bing command, to search the web with Microsoft Bing search engine.

So, Bing fans, it wasn't fair to discriminate you, so now you can search Bing through ubiquity for Opera as well. Enjoy!

As usual, you can download the script here:

Batteries and installation instructions included. Have fun.

Another quick update to Ubiquity for Opera

I just pushed a small update to my Ubiquity for Opera user javascript. Two tiny changes:

  • Now the ESC key hides the Ubiquity window
  • Fixed the text selection and focus when you reopen the Ubiquity window and you had input a command before.

Thanks to Martin Šrank for contributing the ubiq_focus() fix.

To download the latest version, go to http://github.com/cosimo/ubiquity-opera/. There's also a minified version there.

URL shortening in Ubiquity for Opera too…

Given the cool recent activity around url shortening in Opera, I thought I could also give my small contribution.

In fact, a url shortening command is missing in Ubiquity for Opera. Or rather, it was missing.

There's a new command, shorten-url, based on bit.ly's API, that allows you, as usual with Ubiquity commands, to shorten the current open tab URL, or shorten any URL you type in the Ubiquity window. Here you can see a screenshot as example:

This new command also uses the amazing ajax-enabling UserJS library by xErath. Another interesting news is that from now on, I'll use YUI Compressor to also ship a minified version of the ubiquity javascript code, that almost halves the size, so that's good, since we're already at ~80kb uncompressed.

As usual, you can download Ubiquity for Opera,
(or the minified version), or go to the Ubiquity for Opera github repository.

Enjoy :-)

Ubiquity for Opera, “currency converter” and more…

Today I went back to a project that I really like, Ubiquity for Opera. Usually I do that when I'm annoyed by something (in this case I needed to quickly convert currency amounts), or when I find something funny.

This time, Ubiquity gets some more commands and some updates to existing ones.

  • the isdown command, that checks if a host is up, has been changed to be interactive. This is the first one that I managed to make interactive, as it requires a bit more magic than just opening a browser window.
  • the currency-converter command,
  • the instant-rimshot command

Download Ubiquity for Opera,
or go to the Ubiquity for Opera github repository.

Enjoy :-)

And finally, Ubiquity for Opera v2.0!

Yes, I'm still working on this. It's so cool… :-)

This version, named 2.0, is a partial rewrite that allows most native Firefox Ubiquity commands to run unaltered. If you like Ubiquity, check out the UserJS forum announcement, or read the help page (with screenshot).

Download Ubiquity.js v2.0 and if you have suggestions for new commands, tell me!

Yet another post about Ubiquity

Yeah, sorry, but it's so exciting… :-)

In my development version now I'm able to run unmodified Firefox Ubiquity commands!
Yes, original Firefox Ubiquity JS commands can be run in the Opera version.

That's great! Of course, not all of them can work. Most of the Ubiquity internal objects are mocked, but nonetheless they work. So now I'm going to rewrite the command list as they were pB]native[/B] ubiquity commands and adapt all the code to this new structure.
This is an example of a native Ubiquity command:

  name: "validate",
  icon: "http://www.imageboo.com/files/uhee2ii315oxd8akq0nm.ico",
  description: "Checks the markup validity of the current Web document",
  preview: "Sends this page to the W3C validator",
  execute: function() {
    var url = "http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=" + Application.activeWindow.activeTab.document.location.href;
    Utils.openUrlInBrowser( url );


Ubiquity for Opera 1.0 released!

The "nightly experiment" now is something more. Actually I am very surprised to see the amount of stuff I could do with "just" user javascript. It's already beyond my initial thoughts.

So now the plan is to convert it to a widget and get the full widget power, XHR, notifications, sticky preferences, and all that. Then, to complete the Opera version, I would only need to load real Ubiquity command RSS feeds. But that's probably not going to happen anytime soon…

Download Ubiquity for Opera v1.0

The usual warning about the default ubiquity shortcut, CTRL + SPACE, which is used by default in Opera as "homepage" shortcut. You have to remove it, or modify the javascript to assign it another shortcut.


Ubiquity for Opera – UPDATED

Check out an update to the last post about the Ubiquity for Opera project I just started.

This is getting more serious than even I expected. At this point, you can see that it's not like the real thing yet, but it starts to be reasonably cool. For me, this is already past my best expectations.

If you install and try it, please give me your feedback and, most important, if you have some cool commands you want to add, just tell me. Opera's UserJS can't do everything though. They can't access remote sites via XMLHttpRequest because of security reasons.

But even with this limitation, I think the result is worth a try. Anyway, I realize that the power of Ubiquity is really the power of the Opera's location bar and custom searches, which are already builtin in every Opera standard browser :-)

There's one really nice feature in the translate command, and it's that it can automatically translate for you 3 kind of inputs:

  • the text you enter at the prompt
  • if no text, the selected text on the originating page
  • if still nothing, the current window (by URL)

This solves all my translation needs! :-)

Command list follows:

  • amazon-search
  • answers-search
  • ask-search
  • back
  • bugzilla
  • close
  • command-list
  • define
  • ebay-search
  • flickr
  • google
  • gcalculate
  • help
  • image-search
  • imdb
  • lastfm
  • map
  • msn-search
  • myopera-blogs
  • myopera-photos
  • new-tab
  • opera-config
  • opera-cache
  • print
  • refresh
  • search
  • skin-list
  • translate-no
  • weather
  • wikipedia
  • yahoo-answers
  • yahoo-search
  • youtube

