Tag Archives: programming

Fixed temporary files handling in HTTP::DAV

It's more than 3 years already that I took over maintainership for HTTP::DAV. I've been fixing several bugs, last one today (and 0.45 is just out on CPAN), and I have to say that it was a fantastic exercise, that I really suggest to anyone even moderately interested in open source development and improving their own programming skills.

Here's how it works:

  • Pick a CPAN distribution that has been put up for adoption, or one that your $work depends on (my case for HTTP::DAV)
  • Contact its author or current maintainer
  • Take a look at its RT queue (usually it's something like https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Some-Dist-Name
  • Pick whatever bug you fancy from the list
  • Write a test case for it, naming it t/RT_[ticket_number].t
  • Fix the bug in the code, and see your test case pass

That's what I've been trying to do with HTTP::DAV, that was back then completely unknown code to me. I hope the results are decent. At least there hasn't been any regression reported so far… :-)

Enjoy, https://github.com/cosimo/perl5-http-dav and https://metacpan.org/module/HTTP::DAV.

IPv6 and Perl. What’s the status?

This is more like a request for help than the usual babbling about something. IPv4 address space appears to be almost entirely allocated. IPv6 is there, ready for us to use (more or less).

I'm trying to reserve some time to prepare and test our systems for client and server IPv6 addresses. What is your experience in particular with Perl software? I know almost nothing about it, except there's:

I tried to download and test Net::IPv6Address, but that didn't work, tests fail, and the module is also last updated in 2008… Can you enlighten me on what's the state of the art regarding Perl (but not only, ofc) and IPv6? KTHXBYE.

In the meanwhile, I'll read a bit more on the whole IPv6 matter. First task: write an anonymizer for a IPv6 address.

Wikidoc syntax highlighting for vim

Recently I've been editing some wikidoc documentation, and I found boring to see everything as plain text.
I wanted to add some color to my vim screen.

So I decided to put together a wikidoc syntax highlighting file for vim.
And, 30 minutes later, it was working!

Thanks to the author of POD syntax highlighting. I shamelessly copied and modified his work…

BonDigi is the programming game of the moment

As I said in my last post, Bon Digi (really Bon Diggy) game is taking over!
When I posted the original announcement on our nonsense mailing list, I didn't know that I would have caused such an incredible activity from our brain cells!

So far, there have been nearly 10 different programming languages versions of Bon Digi game. Languages are: Perl5 (oneliners, scripts and classes), Python, Ruby, Haskell (3 versions!), Perl6, Emacs Lisp, Vim scripting and even CSS!

I will try to post some of these wonderful pieces of fine arts here in the next days.
Stay tuned.

Have you ever heard “Bon Digi”?

It's a game. A crazy one. A really crazy one.
We were doing it friday evening, drinking like nuts, and something in my mind popped up, and I thought:

We should code the algorithm for this game

In fact, it seemed really stupid and obvious. But thinking about it more and more, I discovered that it's not so simple at all…

And if you want to code it elegantly and concisely, you have to think about it for some time.
So, I took this -Ofun opportunity, and turned it, as I promised to Zoso, into a Games::BonDigi CPAN module.
