Tag Archives: monitoring

pgtop – a top clone for PostgreSQL

According to meta::cpan records, the first release of pgtop is dated April 26, 2005, which makes this little software more than 15 years old!

Back then I had just found out about the brilliant mytop by Jeremy Zawodny, and my day-to-day experience being on Postgres, IIRC version 6.5.3, I decided to try and “convert” mytop to Postgres.

Being quite naive, I thought the endeavour would be much easier than it really was. I’m glad I started though, which is why pgtop exists in the first place. It’s not the only one either. I seem to remember a few similar pgtop projects by other programmers.

After using MySQL and Percona Server for many years, due to a new job, I have gone back to Postgres, version 9.5 and 10 at this time. In recent months, I have done some work to improve performance of our database queries, and remembered writing and using pgtop years before.

Since I lost(*) the original sources, I tried the pgtop version I last uploaded to CPAN, 0.05, dated 2008. It did work, in the sense that I could run the same perl code unmodified, a great testament to Perl as language and as runtime. It didn’t work because the underlying Postgres meta tables that were used in version 6 changed their schema in the 10-12 years since :-)

I spent some time to adapt the metadata queries to work with recent Postgres versions, and was slightly amused by the quality of my 15 year old code… The best feeling about this little tool was to rediscover how useful a few dozen lines of code can be. The service provider monitoring helps, but doesn’t even come close to the level of detail pgtop can provide.

After getting pgtop to work again, I quickly added a few more useful features. I was pleased by the efficiency with which I could work on this tool, considering its age.

So far I added just what was strictly necessary to me:

  • Updated pgtop to the current decade. Now requires perl >= 5.014
  • Fixed to work with Postgres >= 9.0
  • Added a sample Dockerfile to build and run pgtop as Docker container
  • Added a --config option, to load arbitrary config files. This is useful if you want to monitor several databases at once, for example in a tmux session. The config file supports all the options that are available on the command line.
  • Implemented a query killer command, activated pressing K to kill at once all queries slower than a given threshold, in seconds. This is useful if the database is overwhelmed by a lot of slow queries. I don’t recommend using it, particularly if it involves killing UPDATE or INSERT queries, but it can be quite useful.
  • Added a --slow_threshold option, to consider queries slow if they have been running for longer than the given value (in seconds). Now the tool highlights slow queries in bold yellow, and logs all the slow queries to a pgtop.log file.
  • Added a --slack_webhook option, to automatically notify a slack channel if a query crosses the slow threshold runtime value. All the information about the slow query including the SQL will be included in the slack message.

Please let me know if you give it a try! :-)

Net::Statsd::Server, a Perl port of Flickr/Etsy’s statsd

If you’re looking for a Perl client to connect to a statsd daemon, checkout Net::Statsd on CPAN, now at version 0.08.

This post is about the server component of statsd.

Tracking metrics: up to now

The idea of statsd started in Flickr by Cal Henderson, and some code is still available, but it’s not very functional or complete.

Since reading about statsd, I found the concept brilliant. I have been using a similar technique long before hearing about statsd though. I learned it from colleagues here at Opera in 2008. They were using it to track application metrics for the Opera Link server. I thought it was great, so I also implemented it, extending it by making it very easy to add metrics and to see the output automatically in Munin. Here’s how it worked basically:

# ...
use Opera::Stats;
# ...
# ...

The project code would have typically tens or hundreds of these calls. Each call would store/increment a counter in a local or remote memcached. Then a complementary Opera::Stats::Munin module would automatically generate the output needed to implement a full Munin plugin given the metrics to be exposed.

So far, so good. Except there were a few things that didn’t work quite right:

  • Using TCP connections, maybe even to remote machines, even though it was never a problem, could be in case the memcached machines went down
  • Volume was a concern. I had to worry about tracking too many metrics. How would that affect functioning of memcached for regularly stored keys and values? Would those metrics-related keys cause evictions in the regular memcached content?
  • Even though the munin integration made it very easy to have charts, there were still some limitations: creating new charts requires some wrapper plugin with 1 or 2 lines of Perl code. Flexibility was also an issue.

Enter statsd

I have been thinking of replacing this system with statsd for a while. However, I wanted to have a more in-depth look at it before deploying it.

Turns out that statsd is a simple project, which I like, but requires nodejs. Knowing next to nothing about nodejs, I took some time to learn a few things.

I also realized I have been wanting to learn about AnyEvent for a long time.


Two weeks ago, I spent a busy weekend reimplementing 95% of statsd in Perl. On Sunday night, I had a functional version of statsd written in Perl with AnyEvent.

AnyEvent stuff is surprising at times. I found especially interesting to debug the cases where your timer (AE::timer) doesn’t fire unless you actually save it to a scalar, as in:

# This won't fire!
AE::timer 10, 10, \&do_something;

# This will though.
# This behaviour is triggered by "defined wantarray"
my $t = AE::timer 10, 10, \&do_something;

Since that weekend, I have spent a few more nights tweaking Net::Statsd::Server. Yesterday I wrote a new piece of functionality (a new “File” backend) that is actually not in the original statsd.

It looks like I might need new backends as well, so I think it’s “an investment with a good ROI”, even though I did it mainly for fun and in my free time.


I wanted to make sure my statsd server implementation would be fast. I started by bringing up the nodejs statsd and firing my official benchmark script with 1 million iterations, and then comparing the results with my own statsd server.

That didn’t work out very well. Or rather, it worked out brilliantly, showing around 40K requests/s being handled by nodejs-statsd and 50K requests/s by Net::Statsd::Server. Problem is: how do you measure the performance of a UDP server? Or, for that matter, of a UDP client?

I figured out that, being UDP connection-less fire-and-forget, it doesn’t really matter how many packets/s the client fires, as long as you can generate more than your server can handle. Just as a data point, I reached around 73-75k statsd API calls per second (for the gauge API, around 55-58k for counters and timers). What really matters is how many packets reach the server.

BTW, I used another amazing piece of software called Devel::NYTProf to optimize the performance of the incoming packets code path as much as I could.

The test setup

To measure how many packets are received on the server-side, I prepared a test configuration:

{ graphitePort: 2003
, graphiteHost: "graphite.localdomain"
, host: ""
, port: 8125
, backends: [ "./backends/graphite", "./backends/console" ]
, mgmt_address: ""
, mgmt_port: 8126

The same configuration file for the Perl server becomes:

{ "graphitePort": 2003,
  "graphiteHost": "graphite.localdomain",
  "host" : "",
  "port": 8125,
  "mgmt_address" : "",
  "mgmt_port": 8126,
  "backends": [ "Graphite", "Console" ],
  "log" : {
    "backend" : "stdout",
    "level" : "LOG_WARN",

Using the benchmark.pl code mentioned above, run with:

$ perl benchmark.pl 1000000

I started up first the nodejs statsd, then the Net::Statsd::Server daemon and captured their output. Both servers are configured to use their Graphite backend and flush to a valid and active graphite host. The Console backend is also active for both servers, so I could capture the output and look at the statsd.packets_received counter and directly measure how many packets are received in the server.

The benchmark utility with first argument = 1000000 generates 5 million statsd API calls, that is, 5 million UDP packets.

Of these 5 million packets, nodejs statsd was able to capture 2106768, 1596275, 1479145 and 1490640 packets over several runs.

Net::Statsd::Server, again in 3 different runs, was able to capture 2106242, 1884810, 1822042 and 1866500 packets.

I have performed more tests, and they had a very low deviation from the last runs (1.5M for etsy’s statsd and 1.8M for Net::Statsd::Server). Removing the 2 peak results of ~2.1Mb, it would seem that the Perl statsd is capable of receiving 22% more packets than the original statsd daemon written in javascript.

Of course, this is just my test. I have tried to run the test on different hardware, but I haven’t got significantly different results. If you try yourself, please let me know what numbers you get. I’d be curious to know :-)


Given the massive amount of UDP packets that were lost in the tests (50%+ in the best runs), I tried to figure out a way to improve this and I stumbled on SO_RCVBUF.

My understanding was that bumping up SO_RCVBUF on the listening UDP socket would dramatically decrease packet loss. However, I hadn’t been able to prove the theory because I hadn’t seen an improvement in the total number of packets received. At least until I read this article on UDP packet loss on stackoverflow.com, that pointed me to the net.core.rmem_max sysctl.

After modifying net.core.rmem_max, setting it to 100M, just to avoid its effect, and using the following code in Net::Statsd::Server:

# Bump up SO_RCVBUF on UDP socket, to buffer up incoming
# UDP packets, to avoid massive packet loss when load is very high.
setsockopt($self->{server}->fh, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, 1*1024*1024)
or die "Couldn't set SO_RCVBUF: $!";

I can see some very interesting effect.

Re-running the node.js statsd, I could see an increased amount of captured packets (1691700, 1675902, ~10% increase).
Running again the Net::Statsd::Server daemon, I recorded 2678507 and 2477246 packets, for an impressive ~40% increase!

As a last effort, I tried varying the SO_RCVBUF size from 1 to 64Mb to see what effect it had on the amount of captured packets (or UDP packet loss if you prefer).

I haven’t run any scientific set of tests, but I can’t see any statistically significant increase for values greater than 4-8Mb, so I haven’t decided where to set the default in Net::Statsd::Server yet. Any chosen value is likely to need specific sysctl tuning anyway, so YMMV.


Did I really do it for fun? Yes, mainly, but also because:

  • I don’t like adding node.js to our production stack just to run statsd. I have never operated a node.js server, so I don’t want to take this “risk”. The product we’re building is going live soon! :-) And note that this does apply to anything, it’s not about node.js per se :-)
  • to learn how statsd was put together
  • to learn AnyEvent
  • to learn how to build a high performance UDP server
  • Basically, to learn :-)

Code is up on CPAN, as usual: https://metacpan.org/module/Net::Statsd::Server.

If you happen to use it, please give me some feedback!